
Showing posts from 2018

Summerset Isles!

HYPE!!!! The next Chapter has been announced! We're going to the Summerset Isles - home of the High Elves (Altmer). I'm going to collate what I know/learn here! So check back! Available: Prologue Quest - NOW!! Public Test Server - April PC Early Access - May 21 Console and Full Access - June 5 Buy: Edition details - Standard Edition, Digital Upgrade, Digital Collector's Edition, Digital Collector's Edition Upgrade, and Physical Collector's Edition Pre-Order Bonuses  Available immediately - The Base Game (physical and digital full edition purchases only), The Morrowind Chapter (digital full and upgrade purchases only), Nightmare Senche Mount Available at Summerset Launch - Queen's Bounty Pack (Costume, maps, pet, crown crate, XP Scrolls), New Stuff: 30 hours of new gameplay  Daily login rewards Psijic Order Skill Line Jewellery Crafting + new jewellery traits New Motif - thru the Outfitting Station Only (similar to how the Imper...

For my LOVELY Twitch Subscribers!!

Thank you so much!! To be honest, I never really expected to have so many subscribers on Twitch, and I'd like to recognise you all individually!!! Below are a selection of Elder Scrolls Online icons I've created and if you're a Twitch Subscriber I'd like YOU to pick one to represent yourself!! I'm planning to use your icons in ALL sorts of cool places, so pick one you really like! (Don't see one you like? Let me know what you want and I'll make you something just for you!) As icons are chosen, I'll add your name to your icon so no-one else can pick it. Argonian Fire Blue Mushrooms Book and Ink - Cindley Bookshelf Candle - Dretharion Coins Cooking Fire Cornflowers Echetelle Firefly - Squirte/Snowie Hourglass Lantern Namira's Rot - Manic Nirnroot Rubedite Runestone Stinkhorn Water Hyacinth...

Thank you to you WONDERFUL people

You raised $620 for JDRF!!! You amazing people!! Do you know what you did?? You raised $620 dollars for the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation . You are all the most GENEROUS people!!!  MissIcy's amazed face at was a sight to behold! "That's SO much money," she said. ^_^ Thank you! Thank you all!!! xxxoooxxx Icy (and MissIcy) MissIcy's Story Today's Video

January for JDRF

Help Conquer Diabetes!! Exactly 4 years ago, in January 2014 MissIcy (who was nearly ready to celebrate her 6th birthday) was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She'd had a range of symptoms (loss of weight, drinking huge amounts of water, needing to go to the toilet a lot) which I'd put down to various things. A friend finally said to me "you know those are the signs of T1D, right?" I had NO idea. We went to see our doctor the next day. MissIcy was admitted to hospital within the hour and we were there for the week so we could learn how to keep her alive. Funds raised for JDRF go towards research to both make life easier for people to live with the disease, and towards a possible cure (oh, please, one day, please). Please, PLEASE, consider donating towards JDRF this month!!  Icy (and MissIcy!) ^_^ Donate to JDRF! FAQ Q: What is Type 1 Diabetes? A: Type 1 Diabetes usually (but not always) occurs in children. The body has a faulty auto-i...